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Rapids Blog

Student Loan Best Practices

Student loan debt can be a huge burden for people, both young and young-at-heart. The good news is that there are steps you can take to make the most of your loans and minimize your payments. By following these tips, you can make the most of your student loan debt and get on track for a bright financial future!

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10 Banking Terms You Should Know

Money in the dictionary

When it comes to banking, it’s important to understand what’s going on. You’ll want to know all the information available concerning your money in order to make the most well-informed decisions. There are many ways that you can become better educated on the banking process, and perhaps one of the best ways to keep yourself informed is to understand the many terms that are used in the banking world. Here are a few banking terms that everyone should know about.

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New Psychology of Spending

Guy swiping his card at a cafe

Many of us understand that personal finances are much more than income and expenses. Our spending habits, which directly impact our personal bottom line, are also affected by our emotions, values, and desires. This is known as the “psychology of spending.” Learn more about making a move from maximizing to minimizing spending.

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Top Ways to Save Money on Gas

Looking to save money on gas? You're not alone! In today's economy, everyone is looking for ways to pinch pennies. You can save money on your fuel costs by making a few changes in the way you drive and how you buy gasoline. Check out these top tips for saving money on gas. You'll be surprised at how much you can save!

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Beat Summer Boredom

Kids splashing in pool

At some point during the long summer, kids are bound to say the words every parent dreads: “Mom, I’m bored!” Oh sure, there are many things to do—amusement parks, costly trips to the mall, and summer camps—just to name a few. But thrifty parents can keep kids happy without breaking the bank. With a little creativity, you can still uncover a variety of ways to keep your children stimulated with little or no cost. Here are some budget-friendly activities to enjoy during the summer months.

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Ways to Save Money on Your Energy Bill

The warm weather months are coming up, and that means one thing: it's time to start figuring out how you can save money on your energy bill. With the summer months being notoriously expensive for cooling bills, there are many ways to cut down on utility costs without sacrificing comfort or convenience. Here are ten ways to save money on your energy bill each month!

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How To Plan For Financial Emergencies

Emergency Savings Note

Most of us will have to deal with a financial emergency at some point in our lives. They can happen at any time and rarely come with a warning. Whether you have one year or one week to adjust to such monetary upheavals as divorce, medical emergencies, military deployment, or loss of wages, you may be able to sail through financial foul weather – as long as you PLAN for it.

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Navigating Reduced Income

Crunching numbers on a calculator

Many Americans are facing drastically reduced income due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Some people have lost their jobs, or have reduced work available to them. Below are our tips on surviving on less income.

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2022 PDX Diaper Drive

Rivermark's 2022 PDX Diaper Drive is June 1st thru 11th. We have teamed up with PDX Diaper Bank to collect donations for babies in need. There are over 150,000 children living in poverty in Oregon. Families shouldn't be forced to choose between purchasing food or diapers for their children. By partnering with community agencies, the PDX Diaper Bank provides free diapering supplies to low-income and houseless families.

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Maximize Your Tax Refund

Tax Returns from last year were due in mid-April. So now that you've filed your return, what are some ways to help improve your tax return and refund maximization strategy for next year? In this article, we've outlined several important ways to do exactly that! The tax laws can change over time, but millions of Americans expect to receive a sizable refund check soon after they file their tax returns for the year.

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