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Rapids Blog

Can You Deduct 401K Savings From Your Taxes?

The contributions you make to your 401(k) plan can reduce your tax liability at the end of the year as well as your tax withholding each pay period. However, you don’t actually take a tax deduction on your income tax return for your 401(k) plan contributions.

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Tax Tips for Uber, Lyft and Other Ride Sharing Drivers

When you're a driver for a ride-sharing company such as Uber or Lyft, the most important thing to understand about your taxes is that you are probably not an employee of Uber or Lyft. Drivers for these companies are usually independent contractors, a fact that has tax implications, both at filing time and year-round.

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Is My Child's Summer Camp Tax Deductible?

Ah, good old summertime – what a wonderful relaxing time of the year. Unless you have kids, of course, in which case there’s a whirlwind of activity in your house as soon as school is out. But then comes the blessed time of summer camp, when peace is restored for at least a few days. Although camp can be expensive, keep in mind that some of those expenses may be tax deductible.

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Get Mortgage Ready in 5 Steps

Do you dream of owning your own home, but the thought of meeting with a lender frightens you? Perhaps you are afraid of being turned down, yet again, for a mortgage loan. Or maybe you are overwhelmed with the application process itself? After all, applying for a mortgage can often be complicated and frustrating. But it doesn’t have to be. If you fear you will never realize your dream of homeownership, we have some tips that may help you take the next step to make it a reality.

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Rivermark Awards $20,000 Grant to JOIN PDX

Rivermark Awards $20,000 Grant to JOIN PDX

Rivermark recently made two important announcements related to its foundation, the Rivermark Community Fund of the Oregon Community Foundation. 1) The Rivermark Community Fund has aligned its mission to help make housing more sustainable, affordable, fair, and equitable in our community. 2) JOIN PDX has been selected as the 2019 recipient of a $20,000 grant from the Rivermark Community Fund.

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Money and True Love

They say that love is blind. But not so blind as to not notice when someone has wildly different ideas about budgeting, spending, and saving than you. When it comes to combining your finances with another person, specifically a significant other that you live with, there are some dos and don’ts that can help make it work.

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10 Tips to Pay Off Student Loans Faster

Americans owe more than $1.4 trillion in student loan debt, and students graduating this year will, on average, face decades of monthly payments. Grappling with such a large amount of debt can be paralyzing, especially for recent graduates whose average starting salary isn’t six-digits. Thankfully, there are methods and steps that you can take to manage that debt, pay it off faster, and minimize the amount of interest paid over the life of the loan.

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College Savings Tips (For All Ages)

According to the Financial Health Network, 47% of Americans spend more or equal to their income every month. That can make it difficult if not impossible to save for a college education. But there are a few tips you can use as a parent and student to plan for and save money while in college.

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