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Savings Strategies

Financial Tips from Rivermark Coaches

In a time when financial stability is paramount, mastering your finances is a crucial skill. Rivermark understands how difficult it can feel to create and continue good money habits, especially in a world that so often challenges that. With over 60 certified financial coaches, Rivermark meets our members where they are on their financial journey.

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Financial Advent Calendar

Advent calendars are all about getting little prizes over the course of a few days or weeks with the end goal of celebrating a larger event on the last day. Your financial health should feel exactly like that. Taking small, intentional steps toward your larger goals will help you achieve them faster and feel good along the way.

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How Emergency Funds Work In Practice

If you depleted your emergency fund in the last year or so, don’t panic. We build up emergency funds so they’re there for us when we need them. And if you’ve never had an emergency fund, you absolutely need one to protect yourself if something unexpected happens. Because inevitably, it will. Here’s what you need to know about the care and feeding of your oh-so-important emergency fund.

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“Trick” Yourself Into Saving More

Piggy bank overflowing with quarters

Saving for retirement doesn't have to be a daunting task. By breaking your goals down into smaller, daily targets and automating contributions, it can be achievable for any budget. Research shows that by making it easier to start saving, more people are able to take the necessary steps towards achieving secure retirements.

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How To Create A Budget

Once you’ve decided it’s time to create a budget, or get back on track with an updated spending plan, you’ll have more than a few options to choose from. You can go old school and use notebooks, or spreadsheets to stay organized, or you can grab your laptop or phone and investigate the budgeting apps available today. Both can be effective ways to keep track of your spending and saving as you begin the extremely satisfying task of telling your money what to do every month.

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Why You Need a Budget

A whole slew of Americans have no idea how much money they spend in a month. They also have little idea where their money goes. Yes, taxes and other deductions take a chunk right off the top of their paychecks, but the rest seems to fly out the window. If this sounds familiar, the good news is that it’s not just you. There is a way out of this financial fog into a space where you control your hard-earned money. It’s called a budget. And you need one.

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New Psychology of Spending

Guy swiping his card at a cafe

Many of us understand that personal finances are much more than income and expenses. Our spending habits, which directly impact our personal bottom line, are also affected by our emotions, values, and desires. This is known as the “psychology of spending.” Learn more about making a move from maximizing to minimizing spending.

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Top Ways to Save Money on Gas

Looking to save money on gas? You're not alone! In today's economy, everyone is looking for ways to pinch pennies. You can save money on your fuel costs by making a few changes in the way you drive and how you buy gasoline. Check out these top tips for saving money on gas. You'll be surprised at how much you can save!

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Ways to Save Money on Your Energy Bill

The warm weather months are coming up, and that means one thing: it's time to start figuring out how you can save money on your energy bill. With the summer months being notoriously expensive for cooling bills, there are many ways to cut down on utility costs without sacrificing comfort or convenience. Here are ten ways to save money on your energy bill each month!

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How To Plan For Financial Emergencies

Emergency Savings Note

Most of us will have to deal with a financial emergency at some point in our lives. They can happen at any time and rarely come with a warning. Whether you have one year or one week to adjust to such monetary upheavals as divorce, medical emergencies, military deployment, or loss of wages, you may be able to sail through financial foul weather – as long as you PLAN for it.

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